понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

FED: Carr calls for health care reform

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Carr calls for health care reform

New South Wales Premier BOB CARR has called on the federal government to reform health
care delivery in Australia.

Under the current system, the state government runs hospitals and the federal government
is responsible for doctor numbers, health insurance and aged care beds.

Mr CARR says he wants former NSW Premier NICK GREINER and former Queensland Premier
WAYNE GOSS to investigate ways of reforming the overlapping roles.

He says a taskforce set up by Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD to examine how to make health
services work better is yet to report back.

But he says its report risks gathering dust on the shelf unless there's an implementation plan.

Mr CARR says that reforming the dysfunctional relationship between the state and federal
governments on health care would be a good way out of the political disaster created by
the HOWARD government's broken Medicare promise.

AAP RTV kjd/jmt


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